P843 – Mesotherapy using dutasteride-containing solution in male pattern hair loss: A controlled pilot study
M. Abdallah1, K. El-Zawahry1, H. Besar2
1Ain Shams University Hospital, Dermatology and Venereolgy, Cairo, Egypt, 2Tahreer General Hospital, Dermatology, Cairo, Egypt
Background: Controlled studies on the value of mesotherapy in the treatment of male pattern hair loss (MPHL) are lacking.
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of intradermal injection of 0.05% dutatsteride-containing solution in comparison to 0.9% saline injected via
nappage technique.
Patients & methods: Twenty eight male patients with MPHL types IIIv, IV and V completed the study. They were randomly assigned to two groups:
group I the treated group (n=14) and group II controls (n=14). Patients received seven injections at weeks 0,1,2,3, 5, 7 and 11 and were evaluated at
week 12.

Results: The dutasteride-containing preparation was significantly more effective (p< 0.05) than placebo. This was evident by three assessment
methods; difference in hair count, professional independent observers’ assessment and patients’ self assessment. The less the duration of MPHL, the
better was the response to mesotherapy. Minimal side effects in the form of mild pain and headache were detected.
Conclusion: Mesotherapy using dutasteride-containing solution is an effective method in treating moderate degrees of MPHL, further studies using
dutasteride alone and for longer periods are recommended.